Thursday, September 6, 2012

Throwback Thursday!

My tribute to the oldies but goodies! Some of my favorites that made me the reader I am today!

 I know what you're thinking those aren't Throwback worthy....Ah but they are my friends the Thirst series was originally published in individual books of the Last Vampire Series in the '90s. These books catapulted my love for all things Vampire! I still own the individual books as well as the Thirst books because my copies were quite worn due to constant re-reading! 
  This was the 1st Christopher Pike book I had ever read and from the very beginning the story was in your face! Blood, Action, Gore...This book led to my 1st slightly erotic scene I had ever read( mild by today's standards). Again, I still own this to this day. Christopher Pike is a timeless author who has captivated so many and continues to put out new wonderful books!

 I bought House of Illusions by Ruby Jean Jensen when I was 14 merely because I liked the cover and it was 25cents. I learned a valuable lesson that summer "Never buy a book with a creepy holographic cover when you're 14" I spent a couple of weeks working through this terrifying novel about none other than my most feared creature....CLOWNS!  I was only slightly unnerved by clowns until I read this book which grew into a full blown phobia! I was so scared by this book that my father had burned it in the fireplace. However, at the still tender age of 31 I managed to find it on amazon for a penny+ $3.99 S&H and was terrified all over again. 
All covers link to Goodreads book details...
Have any mentionable throwbacks to add?

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