Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hex Hall #3: Spell bound by Rachel Hawkins


Just as Sophie Mercer has come to accept her extraordinary magical powers as a demon, the Prodigium Council strips them away. Now Sophie is defenseless, alone, and at the mercy of her sworn enemies—the Brannicks, a family of warrior women who hunt down the Prodigium. Or at least that’s what Sophie thinks, until she makes a surprising discovery. The Brannicks know an epic war is coming, and they believe Sophie is the only one powerful enough to stop the world from ending. But without her magic, Sophie isn’t as confident.

Sophie’s bound for one hell of a ride—can she get her powers back before it’s too late?

My Thoughts:

The end of another road is always so sad for me. I wish there was a happier ending for James, Cal and Elodie, but all in all I am satisfied with the way things ended. There was a constant stream of surprises, questions around every corner, and in the end there were no questions left unanswered. There's not much else to ask for in a final book.

The Casnoffs have launched into their preamptive war strategies. Hex Hall is going to hell and so is Mrs. Casnoff?  Yes as things progress Mrs. Casnoff seems to come undone...Nick and Daisy aren't the only oogy boogies on the island.

I LOVE, LOVE Sophie's quick wit and snarky comments in the face of danger, I LOVE the almost, but not quite cursing comments throughout the series and I am seriously sad to see everyone go...

 However, I have seen that Rachel Hawkins is working on a new series starring Izzy Brannick Sophie's little cousin and maybe just maybe some of our favorite characters will make an appearance?
Keep your eye out for School Spirits due out May 14, 2013  
Happy Reading!

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